Saving jane official artist page on watch the latest music videos from saving jane at universalmusic. 0 out of 5 stars jane rocks saving jane needs full on national recognition i cant believe they are still not totally mainstream. The pop song has been slowly building in popularity across the country. Listen to free streaming mp3s of songs from the girl next door album by saving jane saving jane allykatzz. Saving jane discover music, videos, saving jane is a band from columbus, ohio who are most famous for their hit songs girl next door, come down to me, supergirl. Saving jane saving jane pictures browse, share and rate a wide selection of 10 high quality saving jane pictures and wallpapers. All lyrics to saving jane are free and also available as widget on your weblog or. Jane right from facebook. In the summer of 2007, saving jane released. Saving jane saving jane lyrics, songs, albums, musics, tracks, charts saving jane music jane. View the official version of these lyrics here. Saving jane lyrics girl next door small town homecoming queen shes the star in this scene theres no way to deny shes lovely perfect skin, perfect hair perfumed hearts everywhere saving jane lyrics all lyrics by saving jane. |
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